Youth Pastor: Brian Avery

"Solid Rock" is the Youth Ministry of First Baptist Church
Students in grades 6th - 12th are welcome to join us.
Solid Rock is a place where God's Word transforms students to be everything God has called them to be in his son Jesus Christ. Be yourself, be optimistic, embrace life change... We are Solid Rock!
We meet in the Solid Rock Youth Building at 311 N. Smith St. twice a week.
We have 2 Sunday School groups that meets every Sunday mornings at 9:30am. The students split into a Junior High class and a High School class.
On Wednesday evenings, we meet in the youth building at 6:15pm for our Solid Rock Youth. Our normal format is to start with a fun game, sing worship songs and have Bible Study until 7:30pm.
Check it out and see what's happening.